And the winner of FUDGING THE BOOKS by Daryl Wood Gerber…


Daryl Wood Gerber’s Cookbook Nook mysteries feature Jenna Hart, an avid reader, admitted foodie who’s just learning to cook, and owner of a cookbook store in the fictional coastal town of Crystal Cove, California. FUDGING THE BOOKS will be out August 4, but it’s available for pre-order now!

Ready to hear who won? Cheers to… JOHN MAZUR!

Please send your mailing address to me at leslie (at) lesliebudewitz (dot) com by May 23 to claim your prize. Or else my supervisor will stare at me until I pick another winner!

Butter Off Dead (final)cat on desk#butteroffdead

Photo: Ruff the Cat, aka the Supervisor, the model for Mr. Sandburg in my Food Lovers’ Village Mysteries.

BUTTER OFF DEAD, July 2015 (available for pre-order now!)

Collecting Can Be Murder – Kate Carlisle – #bookgiveaway

Kate Books and BeaversWe’re celebrating the upcoming release of my third Food Lovers’ Village mystery, BUTTER OFF DEAD (July 7—save the suspense and pre-order it now!), with a glimpse of some of your favorite authors’ prized collections.


Kate ThisOldHomicide_HR (2) - high resToday, we get a glimpse of one of Kate TheBookStopsHere_final those unintended collections with Kate Carlisle, author of the Bibliophile Mysteries—her newest paperback is THE BOOK STOPS HERE (I read it last winter and it’s terrific!) and RIPPED FROM THE PAGES will be out in hardcover June 2. Her new series is the Fixer-Upper Mysteries, starting with HIGH-END FINISH and THIS OLD HOMICIDE.

“Boy, is Leslie ever right when she says “Collecting can be murder!” While my collections haven’t led to homicide (yet), they’ve gotten seriously out of hand. Okay, you total get why I collect old books, right? After all, I write the Bibliophile Mysteries. But the beavers? My protagonist, bookbinder Brooklyn Wainwright, would advise me to keep my book collection away from beavers, but somehow, I wound up collecting both. There’s a story behind the beavers, and I’m sure many of you can relate. Once upon a time, I told a friend I thought beavers were cute. Shortly thereafter, she saw a beaver tchotchke and gave it to me as a joke. Another friend saw it, didn’t realize it was a joke, and gave me a second. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

And there you go… beavers and books. Natural enemies.

The moral of the story? If you think something is cute, keep it to yourself!”

Kate high-end-finish-210h


Keep up with Kate on her website,, on Twitter: @katecarlisle, or on Facebook:

Leave a comment on my Facebook page or blog, for a chance to win a signed copy of HIGH-END FINISH. Ruff the Cat will choose a winner at random—check back in the morning to find out!

(Hint: if you subscribe to the blog, you’ll receive the posts by email and you won’t have to hunt for them on FB.)

cat on desktnButterOffDead(This contest is not sponsored or endorsed by Facebook.)
