The winner of DEATH IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES by Kathy Aarons is…

Kathy Death-is-like-opt

From the back cover: “Whether it’s to satisfy a craving for chocolate or pick up the hottest new bestseller, the locals in charming West Riverdale, Maryland, are heading to Chocolates and Chapters, where everything is to die for…”

Catch up with author Kathy Aarons on Facebook or Twitter, or at

Ready to hear who won the signed copy of DEATH IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES by Kathy Aarons? Cheers to… TARYN LEE!

Please send your mailing address to me at leslie (at) lesliebudewitz (dot) com by May 30 to claim your prize. Or else my supervisor will stare at me until I pick another winner!

Butter Off Dead (final)cat on desk#butteroffdead

Photo: Ruff the Cat, aka the Supervisor, the model for Mr. Sandburg in my Food Lovers’ Village Mysteries.

BUTTER OFF DEAD, July 2015 (available for pre-order now!)

Collecting Can Be Murder – Susannah Hardy – #bookgiveaway

China CatsWe’re celebrating the upcoming release of my third Food Lovers’ Village mystery, BUTTER OFF DEAD (July 7—save the suspense and pre-order it now!), with a glimpse of some of your favorite authors’ prized collections.

Today, a peek behind the scenes with Susannah Hardy, author of FETA ATTRACTION, first in the new Greek to Me Mysteries.

“Over the years I’ve collected lots of stuff: Nancy Drew books, Talking Heads and B-52’s CDs, shotglasses, bad boyfriends, and Hazel-Atlas Moroccan Amethyst dishes, to name a few. But my latest collection is Shafford redware black cats. I inherited one sugar and creamer from my mother-in-law, and then I got another set from her sister, and now I’m starting to get a little obsessed with them. Are they cute? Creepy? I can’t decide. All I can say is I can’t pass a tag sale or flea market without looking for these things.


And here’s a picture of my real-life black cat, Elvira. She’s small but mighty, a ferocious rodent slayer, and she’s the real reason I love the china cats. Not that there are any cats in my book FETA ATTRACTION–the Bonaparte Bay Board of Health frowns on them in a restaurant.”

Connect with Susannah and read more about her books on her website, on Facebook, or on Twitter @susannahhardy1

Leave a comment on my Facebook page or blog, for a Feta Attraction Coverchance to win a signed copy of FETA ATTRACTION. Ruff the Cat will choose a winner at random—check back in the morning to find out!

(Hint: if you subscribe to the blog, you’ll receive the posts by email and you won’t have to hunt for them on FB.)

(This contest is not sponsored or endorsed by Facebook.)
