Saturday Writing Quote — on fear

01_Barn_Pastel_WEB[I tell beginning writers to be] “stubborn. Be tenacious. Commit yourself to the inevitability of failure. Sentences are going to fail, chapters … whole books … [P]ay close attention to [your] own life. Don’t avoid your own passions and fears. There’s a tendency, I think, to sublimate it all, or to become so oblique as to avoid entirely that which has hurt you or that which has jerked you awake at night. I know of no rule that commands a writer to be subtle at all costs. At times, I believe, it doesn’t hurt to be blunt.”

– Tim O’Brien, American novelist, b. 1946, in The Writer (July 2010)

(painting by Leslie, pastel on garnet paper)

Saturday Writing Quote — on fear


“Go forth, the tellers of tales,
And seize whatever the heart longs for.
Have no fear.
Everything exists.
And everything is true.
And the earth is only a little dust under our feet.”

– WB Yeats, “The Celtic Twilight”

(Turns out fear is such a player in art and writing that I had another month’s worth of ear-catching quotes.)

Saturday Writing Quote — on fear

IMGP1963“We have been socialized to respect fear more than our own needs for language and definition, and while we wait in silence for the final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us…. The transformation of silence into language and action is an act of self-revelation and that always seems fraught with danger. We fear the very visibility without which we also cannot truly live … and that visibility which makes us most vulnerable is that which is also the source of our greatest strength.”

— Audre Lorde, American poet and activist, 1934-92


Saturday Writing Quote — on fear

IMGP1939“[T]he more we try to pretend that fear doesn’t and shouldn’t exist, the more we hurt our own chances to create whatever it is [we] dream about. … I don’t think fear is a shameful thing that we must rid ourselves of. It is a natural part of taking the risks that writers do. And the logical reaction to fear should indeed be bravery.”

– Dan Blank, Writer Unboxed, 6/27/14

Saturday Writing Quote — on fear

IMGP2188“I have come to understand that creativity and fear will forever be linked — because creativity always asks us to move in directions of unknown outcome, and fear HATES unknown outcome.

I have made peace with that reality.

All of which is to say: I really don’t believe in fearlessness.

I don’t think it’s a wise or sane goal.”

— Elizabeth Gilbert, on Facebook, 1/4/15

Saturday Writing Quote — on fear

IMGP2435Many of us set goals and resolutions this time of year. And while many of us do form new, productive habits as a result, we are occasionally blocked by fear. So, for January, a few of my favorite quotes on fear and writing.

“The thing is, fear can’t hurt you anymore than a dream.”

– Jack, in Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (1954)

The Saturday Writing Quote — fear and doubt

“We have been socialized to respect fear more than our own needs for language and definition, and while we wait in silence for the final luxury of fearlessness, the weight of that silence will choke us….

The transformation of silence into language and action is an act of self-revelation and that always seems fraught with danger. We fear the very visibility without which we also cannot truly live … and that visibility which makes us most vulnerable is that which is also the source of our greatest strength.”

Audre Lorde, American writer and activist, 1934-92