In Seattle? I’d love to see you!

Untitled-4Looking forward to seeing you in Seattle this week!

Thursday, July 25, 2013   Seattle  Writes!   Seattle  Public Library, Central Library, 7:00 to 8:30. “Taking the Mystery Out of Getting Published.” This inaugural event will  feature six mystery writers — Leslie, Judy Dailey, Bernadette Pajer,  Charles Martin, Mike Lawson, and Waverly Curtis — talking about their new mysteries and the path to publication.

Friday,  July 26, 2013  Pacific  Northwest Writers Association Conference, Seattle Airport Hilton,  2:00  to 3:30 .  “Get  a Clue: How First-Time Crime Writers Become Traditionally Published  Authors.”  Panel  presentation with Leslie, Judy Dailey, Bernadette Pajer, Charles Martin, and           Waverly  Curtis.

Saturday,  July 27, 2013   Seattle  Mystery Bookshop, 117  Cherry Street,  12:00  noon Book talk & signing. (Shop staff asks that if you know you want a book, please call or email  them to reserve a copy so they can have enough stock on hand. (206) 587-5737