Saturday Creativity Quote

What to write about? How to keep going? It’s often a quandary, especially for beginners, driven by desire but lacking craft or confidence. And while I don’t mean to say “write what you know,” or at least not to confine yourself to writing what you know, I do know that our stories can be a powerful place to start. And that all writing is more powerful when we give it the understanding that comes from empathy and from knowing ourselves.

“You need to claim the events of your life to make yourself yours.”

— Anne Wilson Schaef (1934-2020), who wrote extensively about addiction and popularized the concept of co-dependence

(Tranquility, oil on canvas by Tabby Ivy; collection of the author)

2 thoughts on “Saturday Creativity Quote

  1. Oh, that image! It’s so evocative, it captured me immediately. I have a thing for reflections…
    And now I’m off to research Ann Wilson Schaef. I might have read something of hers before (as a recovering codependent), but I’m not sure.

    Always something good in these Creativity Quotes — thanks!

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